Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cranky For No Reason

Returning to college is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Which is probably easy to say, just because I've made a lot of bad decisions.

Going back to school, when you've passed the young, flighty and unreasonable season of life, leaves you with nothing but determination and focus. In general, I don't view my classes as a bore. I learn and retain information better than I ever have before.

But, I still don't know exactly what I want to be when I grow up.

Last night, when I got home from school, I came home to a clean kitchen, flowers on the counter and an invitation to dinner with E. He took me out for Korean BBQ and we ordered 3x the amount of food we needed. Fairly guilt free, as it's mostly meat and veggies... I also just had some leftovers for breakfast.

Dating E was also one of the best decisions I've ever made.

I don't have a lot to say, other than math is really hard and that I'm hoping this term doesn't kill me. As I was inspecting the requirements for an undergrad in psych, I discovered the need for additional math classes (statistics), once I leave the community college world. I find this necessary and disheartening at the same time.

Honestly guys, I think I'm getting sick. I think I have some awful flu around the bend. I am sleepy, but also restless. I have an achy body, sore throat, green snot, a headache and no desire to do anything. I failed to get up early and work out before school yesterday, but I must do it tomorrow. I need to enforce positive patterns. I ate too much pizza over the weekend, I haven't been drinking enough water. I haven't had a work out since I helped my sister move on Saturday.

I'm tired. I'm frustrated. I'm bloated. I am a danger to myself. These are the kind of days that lead to me gaining 5 lbs. These are the kind of days that I hate, but they are also the days that I need to put on my work out gear, run the errands, work out and get a good nights sleep. These days, when I don't care, are the days that define whether or not I'm really committed to being healthy.

Frankly, I'm dragging my feet, but I'm still moving. Better get on it while I'm feeling somewhat inspired.

Let's hope for something valuable, interesting and happy to blog about tomorrow!

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