I got out of bed in a hurry (only because yesterday I did absolutely nothing) and put on my shorts and my awesome tee from the Emerald City Cat Fight and stepped outside with pup to get his weekly bath taken care of. I suddenly became very aware that it is Autumn. Well, technically, we're about a week early, but today, it was certainly Autumn. This was my "Hello, Fall" outfit. Excuse my face, the 24 Hour Fitness locker room and my inability to take a quality photo with an iPhone 3.
E had a long day prior, so when I sprung out of bed at 8 am, I quietly shut the door behind me and took care of some business. Business being laundry, dishes and dog walking. These things are my business. After I was finished with the business, I headed to the gym. I have decided (on a whim) that I really want to accomplish doing 10 pull ups. This is a huge number and effort for me. I have done 3 in a row, once. So any more than 3 will be an accomplishment that I'm proud of, but I am going to be doing my best to train up to 10 in the next 3 months. This might be hefty, because I doubt I can even do one in my current state.
After gym time, which included 35 minutes in the weight room, including my 35 push ups, some ab work and 45 minutes of high intensity cardio, I headed down to my sister, Erin's house, to raid her chicken coop and garden. I am quite pleased with my haul. I'm super into jalapeños right now. Even though too much of them cause some uncomfortable burning.... if you know what I mean. She helped me find a couple of big ripe tomatoes, a ton of jalapeños, some sweet yellow cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans and bell peppers. It's great having a place t go to pick fresh produce since it's not practical for E and I. I just wish they didn't live 30 minutes away!
Then I proceeded to renew my Costco Membership, do some grocery shopping and come home to get in full fledged Fall fashion. I picked apples from our tree, peeled, cored, cut and froze half. Then I made an apple pie, all the while simmering a big pot of chicken and brown rice soup. E and I enjoyed it, the pie is cooling and we are watching the Steelers/Bengals game. I wasn't quite ready for this season, but I do love it. I love to bake, go to the pumpkin patch, make different soups, dress up for Halloween and wear boots... but I wasn't ready to say goodbye to the boat and the sun yet!!!
Funny tid bit, my friend Lance is so sweet and thoughtful, he baked E and I an apple pie and delivered it just as I pulled mine out of the oven. Too in sync. In complete honesty, his apple pie kicked mine to the curb.
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