8 days? Really? I can't believe I've neglected my blog love for so long!
Truthfully, I've just been working off the residual stress from finals week. My grades were good and I'm well on my way to PSU. I plan to take Fall and Winter term at PCC and to transfer to PSU for my degree and graduate program... if everything goes as planned.
So what have I been up to... Finals. Sushi. Sneaking into Rachel's gym because the one at school was closed... I went to Bodypump for the first time in a very long time and I went into it all pumped up and bearing as much or more weight than the instructor. The next 3 days were a harsh reminder of the difference between low and high reps. I cannot remember the last time I was so sore. You ladies know, that painful, "don't drink water, so I don't have to pee, because I don't know if I can get up off the can" feeling. So much pain. My work outs have been lacking a bit, but I'm about to get on the wagon. :)
E went out of town with all of his guy friends for the weekend, so I made plans to hang out with my sisters. Randomly they all ended up coming over, +1 husband and +2 pretty gal pals. We drank 6 bottles of wine in the form of Sangria and I grilled 2 NY strips, 2 chicken breast, over a pound of shrimp, too much zucchini, asparagus and corn. De-lish. It really was a beautiful evening, full of great conversation. I wish I would have taken photos all week. It's as if I was boycotting this blog. People kept saying "aren't you going to take a picture? For the blog?" You all were more on top of it than I was. Sometimes we just need a break, even from the things we love.
On Sunday, E got home and we were invited to a BBQ at Rachel's parent's house. They grilled beef tenderloin that was TO DIE FOR. So in love. Making it as soon as I can afford it! :) We sat out in the yard, talked and played with the dogs until about 8pm, at which point we went home and E promptly went to bed. I think he may have realized over the weekend, that he's not 21 anymore.
Yesterday I took Emily to the gym to introduce her to my weight room work outs, haven't heard from her yet, but hopefully she is sore! I was nice and sweaty. We came home after the work out and put together a bountiful feast for a day out on Sauvie's Island. It included: watermelon, strawberries, mixed veggies, grilled chicken breast, raw almonds and cashews, triscuits and corn on the cob. Clearly, I'm not the kind of woman that makes PB&J for the beach. I mean, I love PB&J, but I just think you should have the food that you want, no matter the setting. Yeah, it takes a little time, but it's so worth it.
So about my summer work out plan... I am hesitant to post this, because then I know I have all of you to keep me accountable. But here goes. My goals for the summer: Do 10 pull ups in a row, run a 10k without stopping and continue on with weight training. So, I should be fitting in at least 2 runs a week, including intervals, 3 days of weight training and one of the leftover days is for whatever suits me, hiking, yoga etc. and the other is a rest day. Soooooo, how should we break this down?
Monday: Lift
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: Lift & Elliptical
Thursday: Free day
Friday: Run
Saturday: Lift & Elliptical
Sunday: Rest day
As you can see from above, I have no weight loss goals, soon I will take measurements and give you a before and after photos of my progress from the weight lifting course. It's not hugely different, but honestly, I haven't even looked at my before photos, I need to wait for E to wake up... Maybe I will post them tomorrow. I'm still weighing once a month, so as far as I know, I am about 152 lbs. I will keep you posted on or around the 1st of every month.
Puppy got worn out on the beach yesterday and I'm pleased, but running without him is nice. No poop bags, no stopping to sniff pee. Not my favorite pass times. He is a great running buddy, and I love to take him, but sometimes a run without distraction is really meditative.
I hope you all had a great week and are just as excited as I am for the summer! The solstice is the 21st of this month. The longest day of the year. Hopefully it will be a nice, long day.
P.s. Jacob will be here in 9 days. Beyoncé in 11 days. Get ready for more fabulous photos than you'll know what to do with.
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